Jiuding Capital Invests 170 Million Yuan in a Private Mine Construction Enterprise


Based on the investment information on March 14th, Jiuding Capital invested 170 million yuan in Zhejiang Huaye Mine Construction Co., Ltd. The journalist sought confirmation from Lyu Guangfeng, the principle in charge of mine industry fund at Jiuding Capital, who did not deny. Lyu Guangfeng said, Jiuding Capital built its mine industry research team in the second half of last year and completed investment in several projects. Jiuding Capital will start collection of mine industry funds this year. 

According to the public data, Zhejiang Huaye Mine Construction Co., Ltd. is engaged in mine engineering construction and mining contracting. It is one of the domestic three private enterprises with the national first-class qualification for mine engineering contracting, and ranks the second among the private mine construction enterprises. In addition, this company has two coal mines with rich reserve. 

Lyu Guangfeng expressed, Jiuding Capital pays attention to the mature enterprises on the whole industry chain including geological survey, mining, smelting, mine design, mining machinery manufacturing and mine technology service. 
