JD Capital-invested Hangzhou Bopam Listed on NEEQ


Recently, Zhejiang Bopam Commerce and Operation Management (Bopam Commerce, 835392), invested by JD Capital, was officially listed on the National Equities and Exchange Quotations (NEEQ).

Bopam mainly engages in commercial property operation and management, especially the planning, makeover, investment and management of community commercial complexes, office spaces and parks. Based on its in-depth understanding of the development trends of commercial property and consumer needs, Bopam integrates supply chain management with traditional commercial property management, and accommodates new social trends of consumption, finance and urbanization into creating a new commercial operation and management model – “light assets + supply chain management + experiential consumption.” Relying on its core technologies and advanced management ideas and through the means of planning, makeover, investment and operation, Bopam develops new commercial properties that meet consumers’ various experiential needs. 

With steady economic growth and rapid increase of consumer spending in China, retail sales of consumer goods grow rapidly and so does the commercial real estate industry. Data of the National Bureau of statistics show that from 2005 to 2014, total investment into commercial real estate development grew at an average annual rate of 60.41% and floor area of commercial real estate sold increased at an average annual rate of 12.24%. Sustained growth of macro economy and increasing consumer spending are boosting the development of experiential consumption, which then drives sustained development of the commercial real estate industry. In addition, rapid increase of commercial property areas is also favorable for the development of Bopam’s business.

JD Capital became Bopam’s shareholder in 2015, holding 20% stake before the public transfer. So far, 51 of JD Capital’s invested companies have been listed on the NEEQ.
