Huida Sanitary: To Make China-Made Toilet Seats Popular Worldwide|JD Star


Recently, Qin Shuo, a famous Chinese self-media owner, attended the 35th anniversary celebration of Huida Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd. (stock code: 603385) in Tangshan, during which he talked extensively with President Wang Huiwen and CEO Wang Yanqing of Huida. After that, Mr. Qin posted on his self-media platform “Qin Shuo’s Friends’ Circle” an article titled “Huida Sanitary: To Make China-Made Toilet Seats Popular Worldwide”.

Founded in 1982, Huida Sanitary is one of the largest, earliest sanitary producers in China. A fund managed by JD Capital became a shareholder of the company in 2012, holding 11.5% of the total shares prior to its IPO. In 2017, Huida Sanitary successfully went public on the A-share market, and became the first of its kind to be listed.

